Library usage

Pup can be integrated into your application. Simply import it from your preferred location. We recommend Here's how you can set up your main script:

// Change 1.0.2 to the latest available version
import { Configuration, Pup } from "jsr:@pup/pup@1.0.2/mod.ts"

const configuration: Configuration = {
  "logger": {
    /* This is optional. If included, it can be used to specify custom logger settings */
  "processes": [

const pup = await Pup.init(configuration /* OPTIONAL: , statusFile */)

// Kickstart the pup instance

Custom logger

Pup supports the integration of a custom logger. This allows for more flexible and adaptable logging, suitable to your specific requirements. Here's how you can implement it:

// Create a pup instance
const pup = await Pup
  .init() /* The configuration object is optional when instantiating a new Pup */

// Create a custom logger function
const logger = (
  severity: string,
  category: string,
  text: string,
  _config?: GlobalLoggerConfiguration,
  process?: ProcessConfiguration,
) => {
  // The initiator will be the process ID if a process is specified, otherwise it defaults to "core"
  const initiator = process ? : "core"

  // Implement your custom log function here
  console.log(`${initiator}(${severity}:${category}): ${text}`)

  // Block the built-in logger by returning true. This prevents the built-in logger from logging the same message.
  return true

// Attach the custom logger to the Pup instance

// Kickstart the pup instance